Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Nina's Observations 17 - Caleb the wanderer

Journal Entry 68

The last couple of weeks have been pretty unusual for me. I’ve had to adjust the things I do a bit in order to get by, for several reasons.

The first is regarding a recent discovery I made when I went down into the basement workroom to retrieve some of my Master’s notes for studying purposes. I don’t think anything could surprise me more than finding a Goblin in the workroom, investigating the things I deemed were safe enough to leave down there in case of a Goblin invasion.

Except for the fact that it was Maxixe that I found poking around my workroom.

Ever the skittish creature, Maxixe attempted to flee as soon as he saw me. Fortunately I had enough sense to move between him and the door down to the Goblin Cave, preventing him from escaping. He was none too pleased about it, especially when I closed the door and blocked it off again, but he calmed down a little when I offered him food.

Apparently, the word “food” is understood, regardless of one’s culture or language.

As a result of my actions, I now have a skittish but very curious Goblin roaming about my Master’s Tower. I have taken precautions and set up spells around the second level workroom that were originally designed to gently dissuade younger apprentices and children from wandering into places they weren’t meant to go - they were one of the first spells Master taught me to both recognise and cast.

Maxixe has disappeared a couple of times - I assume to go back to the Goblin Cave - but I think he’s realised I’m not a threat to him, because he keeps coming back. Of course, he might just be coming back for the food. I think he’s been bringing some of the things from his hole with him, because I’ve seen him hoarding something in a place he apparently thinks I’m not going to look.

The second thing is regarding the High Priest. Because I was welcomed to the Temple so warmly, I’ve taken the risk of going back from time to time. It gives me the chance to worship again, which I haven’t been able to safely do for some years, and Priest Nicolas has granted me access to the Temple Library.

He says it’s one of the smaller libraries amongst the Temples. I don’t really have a basis for comparison; the only library I’ve been in is the one on the third floor of my Master’s Tower. It’s certainly smaller than that, but no less crowded with books.

Back to the High Priest - I feel like he’s following me. I’ve taken precautions to try and avoid him, and I’ve noticed him wandering around, looking annoyed as he searches for something, or someone. But there are places where I can’t avoid him - places like the Temple itself.

If he’s trying to catch me out, then he’s going to have to try harder. After sixteen years of living life on the road, on the run, I’ve gotten used to people trying to catch me out. I’ve gotten good at avoiding the obvious traps, and escaping the less obvious ones. Especially when it comes to Temple Folk. I might be young, but I am no fool.

Not anymore.

Villager Observation 17 - Caleb the Wanderer

Caleb is an unusual one. I mentioned him I one of my previous Journal Entries, when he first wandered into town. He’s a wanderer, and like me, he just showed up one day, rather recently.

However, unlike me, he’s known around Willowdale. This is apparently not the first time he’s wandered in. He doesn’t seem to interested in settling, but he stays for up to a few months at a time, and then wanders off again, from what I understand.

He’s a bit of an odd one, too. I noticed him in the market the other day. He seems to have this sad expression on his face most of the time. Some of the locals, especially the girls, seem to find it endearing.

It didn’t take long for him to notice me browsing the stalls. And when he did, he immediately stopped what he was doing and walked straight up to me. He started a conversation, and I quickly realised that he was attempting to woo me.

Apparently, he has that sort of reputation.

Apparently, he also doesn’t know how to take no for an answer, because he was quite insistent, and followed me when I tried to leave. I didn’t feel safe heading back to the Tower with him following me like a lost puppy.

He is quite a talker, though i’m not sure I believe all the stories he was telling me as he followed me about. Some of them seem more likely than others. I do not believe he ever stopped talking the whole time he was following me, even when he asked me a question - that he didn’t let me answer, not that I intended to tell him anything about me.

I have decided that Caleb is one to avoid. I do not wish to have anything to do with him, I certainly won’t be telling him about my magic. Anything he knows about me is going to be the stuff talked about around town only, because I have no intention of telling him anything at all. I’d punch him in the nose if I could.

Fortunately, I didn’t have to, during my encounter with him. I did not think I’d ever be glad to see the High Priest, of all people, but I was, at that time. I don’t recall ever seeing him looking so annoyed at someone that wasn’t me, but the expression on his face was the stormiest I’ve ever seen, when he rounded the corner and found me being harassed.

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to actually thank him for his assistance, but I was thankful. I was able to escape to the Temple for the rest of the day while he dealt with Caleb - who, while I’ve seen him around town since that day, has not approached me again. He’s shot me sad, disappointed looks, but he’s not actually come close to me.

I’m almost tempted to be brave and ask the High Priest what he said to Caleb to get him to stay away from me. It must have been something serious, that’s for sure.

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