Monday, May 29, 2017

Nina's Observations, Entry 8: Melissa and Raven Fairwood

Journal Entry 33

While I was wandering about today, I discovered a small house, not far from Master’s Tower. It is just outside of town. I do not think anyone lives in it; it is a very small house, only one room. It has a fireplace and a chimney at one end.

The whole thing is in a state of disrepair. The shutters over the windows are broken, and the door is hanging off its hinges and doesn’t close properly. The walls are filthy, covered in dust, dirt, and moss, and the floorboards are broken. I am almost afraid to look up the chimney; I can hear things moving about up there. The entire building is surrounded by the overgrown remains of what was likely once a garden, now crowded with weeds.

Despite the overall appearance of the place, I get an odd feeling when I’m standing in the small house. I feel...comfortable... inside the little place. Comfortable in a way that I never felt when I was still living in my hometown, with my parents. Comfortable in a way that I don’t feel when I’m inside my Master’s Tower.

I wonder if this is what it is like to feel “at home”.

Master left me a decent amount of gold, to use at my discretion. Perhaps a visit to the town’s carpenter is in order.

Villager Observation 8 - Melissa and Raven Fairwood.

I have been able to observe the Fairwood sisters quite easily, and contrary to my usual methods, I have actually spoken to the two at length.

As their last name implies, they are the children of the Fairwood family, who co-owns the Fairwood Mine. Despite this, the two work at the Hog and Heifer during the day, and they seem quite content to be doing so. Their home is close to their family’s mine, outside of town, and I was surprised to learn that Jackson Hill actually walks to two home after they’ve finished for the day at the Hog and Heifer. I didn’t notice him doing that.

Apparently, their home isn’t as big or grandiose as you’d expect for a family who once owned the Fairwood Mine, and still partially owns it. I haven’t seen it yet, as it is up a different road to the Fairwood Mine itself, and I had no reason to be going up there, but they claim it is about the same size as most of the houses in the town itself - maybe a little bigger, according to Melissa.

The sisters themselves are not twins, though I originally thought they were. Melissa is the older of the two, being seventeen, while Raven is the younger, at sixteen. There is also a third child in the family, a little brother named Ben, who is fourteen. I have not seen him around town, but I have been told that is because he is currently visiting their grandparents, in Fernsworth.

The two sisters each have their own goals for their futures, though it does not follow what their parents want them to do, which is why they’re both working at the Hog and Heifer. To earn the money they need to follow their own paths. Both have passed on inheriting their family’s ownership of the Fairwood Mine, leaving it to their younger brother.

Melissa is saving up to move to Fernsworth herself, though she has not been clear on why. She seems to like working well enough, and she’s very nice. I can’t see her moving there to marry someone with money so she can settle down for the rest of her life, but perhaps I am wrong about what I see. Only time will tell.

Raven, on the other hand, interests me a little. Sometimes, I see her around Master’s Tower, trying to get inside. It makes it hard for me to get in or out when she’s wandering around the Tower, trying to open the door and windows, or attempting to scale the walls. I admire her determination, though I worry about her purpose. I am almost tempted to tell her about my secret, but I always hesitate.

I do not know if she can use magic, and seeks to learn from someone like Master, or if she has no magic, but hopes it might awaken in her. For all I know, she could be looking for a way in so she can vandalise my Master’s work. Despite all I’ve talked to her, I still feel as though I don’t really know her.

There is something about her eyes, though. Something about the way she stares at me so intently. I feel as though she might already know about me, though I have made efforts to not let anyone see me entering or leaving my Master’s Tower.

I feel as though a visit to the Fairwood Family home might be necessary in the future, as well as a private chat with Melissa, regarding her younger sister. She might be able to shed some light on Raven’s actions to me.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Nina's Observations 7 - Lord Bryson Stonewood

Every week, I introduce more characters into the story through these posts, and so the length of my Nina's observations project keeps growing as Nina finds more people to observe...

At least I'll have a decent amount to work with when I actually start writing the ACTUAL story...

Journal Entry 31

Master left for Starfall City today.

I woke up, and the Tower was the same as it had always been; experiments bubbling away in my Master’s Lab, books floating about in the library as they returned to their shelves after being abandoned on tables and chairs the night before, the broom wandering about on its own in search of dust to sweep away.

It just lacked my Master’s presence.

I knew he had gone on his trip and had not just gone off to town. I could always feel his magic when he was nearby, could tell how close or how far away he was by the strength of his aura. But it was gone, completely. And there were only two reasons why I wouldn’t be able to sense it.

And I doubted he was dead. He was old, but he wasn’t elderly.

I’m disappointed by the fact that he didn’t let me go with him, and that he didn’t even wake me to say goodbye, but it won’t be for long. He’ll be back soon enough, and life will go on as before. In the meantime, I shall continue my project. He’ll be disappointed in me if I take the opportunity to slack off just because he’s away.

Hmm. A door in the foyer is open. I do not recall it ever being open before. I shall have to investigate later.

Villager Observation 7 - Lord Bryson Stonewood

Continuing on from my last entry, I have continued to observe the Stonewood Siblings. This time, I’ve been spending my time observing the brother, Bryson Stonewood.

Bryson is very much like his sister. He spends much of his time at either the Stonewood or Fairwood Mines. However, where his sister is willing to put her safety and life on the line at times, disappearing deep into the mines to work with their employees, Bryson doesn’t often wander far into the mines, if at all.

He’s usually inspecting the ore that’s brought up from below the surface, or in the mining office. He’s more focused on the business side of the mines and is rarely seen around either mine without the Overseer or the Co-owner at his heels.

However, Bryson is a little different from his sister as well. Where Gloria seems unwilling to commit to courting and betrothal, Bryson has a fiancee. She does not live in Willowdale - not at present - but she does visit frequently. I do not think the woman likes Willowdale very much - I have seen her a few times, and she never looks particularly pleased. I guess the town isn’t up to her standard. Not enough shops, perhaps, or other upper-class families.

I do not know if Bryson’s engagement is one that was arranged, or if he actually courted the woman. While the answer might make all the difference in my final opinion of Bryson, I do not wish to ask.

I have noticed that Bryson doesn’t spend nearly as much time in the town as his sister does. Whether it is because he is too busy - with Gloria running off pretty much every day, I wouldn’t be surprised if he is swamped by the paperwork necessary to run the mine - or if he doesn’t like the place nearly as much as she does, I also do not know. It is hard to get close enough to him to find out anything of real use to me.

He does seem protective of his employees, and their families. The Stonewood Estate, I have discovered, has many small houses built on its land. Many of the miners and their families live in those houses. They are safe within the tall walls of the Stonewood Estate, though the gates stand open most of the day, and only close at a certain time at night.

I learned that it was Bryson who had the houses built and insisted the miners and their families live in them. Prior to that, they lived in small shacks close to the mines, which were unprotected by the greedy former Caretaker. As such, they were exposed to the dangers that lurked outside of Willowdale, far enough away that help wouldn’t reach them immediately.

It gives a bit of insight to Bryson. He would rather have those people safe, and let the mines fall into the hands of bandits if it must than he would allow them to be killed or threatened by bandits, or worse.

I am still not entirely sure how I feel about Bryson Stonewood. Further observation is required, but that will have to wait until I am a little more confident around the townspeople.

And with Master gone, for the time being, that might be sooner than I’d hoped.

For now, however, I shall move on to observing the Fairwood sisters.  

Monday, May 15, 2017

Nina's Observations, Entry 6: Lady Gloria Stonewood

Journal Entry 27

I met the Stonewood family recently.

Well, the Stonewood Siblings, anyway. Master says that only the twins, Gloria and Bryson, live in the area. Their parents live in the city of Fernsworth, with their younger siblings.

I wasn’t really expecting to meet anyone while I was wandering about the forest, setting up the wards around the area I frequent. It had taken a bit of effort, but I had managed to get Jackson Hill’s bow while he was at the Hog and Heifer, and put a spell on it. So long as another mage doesn’t notice the spell in place, he’ll never know it’s there, and I’ll have plenty of warning if he wanders into the area near my Master’s Tower.

Naturally, they didn’t set off the wards I’d already set up, so I did not know they were nearby until I’d finished setting up a ward by a small pond and discovered them watching me with interest.

Master says that I over-reacted, panicking and running away because they hadn’t started yelling or panicking over seeing someone using magic, but I’ve been betrayed too many times by people I trusted with my secret before to immediately think that these two strangers might not be dangerous to me.

The fact that they know about my magic, that they know about me being in the area, makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Master knows this. Master knows my parents feared and hated me, my village tried to kill me. I do this Observation project at his insistence, but only I can decide when I’ll actually interact with anyone in the village itself.

Drunk miners who don’t remember me and travellers I’ll probably never see again are one thing. People who frequent the town, especially people with influence, are another thing entirely.

Villager Observation 6 - Lady Gloria Stonewood

The Stonewood family is one of the more influential families in the town of Willowdale. They were one of the first to settle in the area, after the Dawnstone Family. They established the Stonewood Iron Mine, half an hour’s walk outside of town to the northeast, and they co-own the Fairwood Coal Mine, which is about the same distance outside of town, only to the west.

The majority of the family moved out of Willowdale about three generations ago, according to my Master, but continued to own the estate they left behind and the mines. They simply left the task of running the mines and the care of the estate in the hands of people they trusted.

However, from what I understand, the estate and mine fell into the hands of a greedy man, who stole from the Stonewood Family, cared little for the health and safety of the miners, barely paid them anything for their work, and lived a life of luxury in the Estate.

Since the Fairwood Coal Mine is co-owned by the Fairwood Family, it only went unnoticed until the problem began to spread to the Fairwood’s Mine. Word was sent back to the Stonewood Family, who acted almost immediately, firing the greedy Overseer - who, according to my Master, now resides in the Dawnstone Castle Dungeons for his many counts of theft, and for endangering the lives of many of the miners - and placing family back in the area to take over the task of running the Mine.

The Family that was chosen were the oldest Twins of the Stonewood Family, Gloria and Bryson. The twins are in their mid-twenties, just a few years older than myself, though they apparently weren’t when they first arrived.

Gloria is not what I expected, for a noble. My general understanding of Nobles, especially Noblewomen, is that they are stuck up, very focused on their appearances, and usually married to equally stuck-up, self-absorbed Noblemen.

After observing Gloria for a while, I have come to the conclusion that Gloria is none of these. She can, of course, be a little focused on her appearance at times, but I’ve never known a Noble - especially not a Noblewoman - who willingly dresses in simple mining clothing, and disappears into one of the mines for most of the day, to work alongside her miners, rather than to simply watch over them and make sure everything's running smoothly.

She certainly concerns her mother, who allegedly visited recently - before Master found me and took me in - and was horrified to discover her daughter deep within the Stonewood Mines, filthy as can be and assisting the miners in pushing a cart full of ore, that had broken a wheel on the way up, to the surface.

Her mother thought that if anyone should be working in the mines like a commoner, it should be her brother, not her and that she should be focused on getting married and continuing the family bloodline.

I can tell that Gloria does not take after her mother.

Gloria is also a very social person. If she’s not in the mines, she’s in the town, talking to everyone she meets. She also does most of the purchasing for the estate, though she has a few servants with her, to help carry everything she buys back.

For a Noble, she isn’t one to take advantage of other people. She assists where she can, from what I’ve seen, rather than expecting everyone to do everything for her. She’s not focused on getting married, or on her appearance.

I’ve not been able to tell what her opinion is on magic, though it seems as though she and her brother haven’t told anyone what they saw me doing. I will have to continue observing, and try and get a little more information on her before I decide if I’m going to approach her. In the meantime, I need to see what I can learn about her brother.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Nina's Observations, Entry 5: Serah Gordon

Journal Entry 24

I have continued to hang around the Hog and Heifer for a while. Despite my discomfort about Jackson Hill, I have found it is a quiet place during the day, and not one that my Master seems to venture close to. I assume that has to do with the fact that it sells alcohol, and while my Master does occasionally drink, nothing I have seen the locals drinking is anything like what he prefers.

The Inn sells stuff like mead and ale, some of it brewed by the Innkeeper - or perhaps, Jackson Hill - and some of it bought from the Merchant Caravans. My Master prefers wine, from Starfall City.

The Inn is pretty quiet during the day, with only a few people generally in or around it. Most of the guests are travellers, spending a few days resting at the Inn before they move on. The majority of them, I have learned, are heading to the Arena. I have never been to the Arena before, but I do not think I want to; the rumours I have heard about the place make me hesitant to go near it.

The Arena, I have been told, is a huge monstrosity made of stone, about a week’s journey - on horseback - from town. It is beyond the forests I called home, on the Plains of Delair. It is surrounded on all sides by a makeshift town of tents and wooden shelters. The people there aren’t the best people to be around; most are warriors, mercenaries, or soldiers, and everyone is bloodthirsty, whether they’re there to spectate or fight. Even the merchants who peddle their wares there aren’t to be trusted.

But every traveller I see in the Inn speaks of it with reverence and pride. There is gold to be made at the Arena, and glory to be earned if one has the strength to survive. Many of these travellers, I do not expect I’ll see again; anyone can enter the Arena, but not everyone leaves it.

I am not uncomfortable in the Inn, I have realised. At least, not during the day. The people there are ones I likely won’t see again, and very few pay me any mind when I wander in, so I don’t feel like I’m in any danger. I always leave in the afternoon, though. Before the townspeople can start arriving. That’s when I do start feeling in danger.

Villager Observation 5 - Serah Gordon

I do not think Serah Gordon, the Innkeeper, much likes people talking about the Arena when she’s in earshot. She shoots most people glares when they speak of it around her. Travellers will get shushed by townsfolk if she is in earshot. One person got thrown out by Jackson Hill because they refused to stop.

I do not know the exact details, but I get the feelings that Serah lost someone important to her in the Arena. I have been hesitant to ask, in case I get thrown out as well.

There are five people working at the Inn in total; Serah Gordon, Jackson Hill, Melissa Fairwood, Raven Fairwood, and Alexia Moore. Melissa and Raven only work during the day, cleaning the rooms and the common room while it’s quiet. It is understandable; neither of them are adults yet, and from what I have seen - though fortunately, not experienced - the evening patrons - especially the travellers - can get quite drunk, and a little grabby.

They leave as soon as Alexia comes in, which is shortly before the miners finish their work for the day. Alexia is a little older and works the evening with Serah. Both of them are a little more tolerant of drunk patrons, and a little more skilled at avoiding hands that try to grab what they shouldn’t be.

I have listened to people talking during the day, and have a learned a little about Serah Gordon.

Though Serah is the only member of her family who lives in the town and runs the Inn, there used to be more of them living there, and she is not the only Gordon around. The Inn has been around since the town started growing, though it did not originally belong to her family; it only came into her family when her great-grandfather bought it from the owner because he had no one to leave it to.

Serah has a husband, a son, and a daughter, though none of them live nearby, and very rarely visit. From what I understand, her daughter lives in Starfall City, though whether she uses magic is unclear. Her son is married to the daughter of the family who owns the Mad Warrior’s Rest Inn, on the way to the Arena, and he lives and works there with his In-laws. Where her husband is is also not clear, but from what I understand, he is alive.

I am not sure how I feel about approaching Serah Gordon properly. Though her daughter lives in Starfall City, the City of Magic, it is unclear whether she likes or tolerates magic-users, or dislikes them. I will have to see what else I can learn, both in the Inn and away from it, before I can make a decision.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Nina's Observations, Entry 4 - Jackson Hill

Part 4 of Nina's Observations.


Journal Entry 21

Master tells me he has to go to Starfall City soon. He has some business there. When I asked him if I could accompany him, he started acting a little strange. He told me that he needed me to remain behind and look after the Tower while he was away.

He wouldn’t tell me when he was leaving, or how long he’d be gone for. I suppose I shall find out soon enough. It’s a little unusual, and I’m disappointed that I cannot go with him - I have never seen Starfall City before, and I want to - but I’m sure Master has his reasons for asking me to stay behind.

I am sure I shall see it eventually. It’s likely more crowded than any place I’ve been before so I might not be too comfortable there. Even though the majority of the people who live there have magic, so I wouldn’t be out of place, or in any danger.

In the meantime, Master has been insisting I continue with my project when I’m not practising or studying. I have observed several of the townspeople since I finished observing Arrow-Wood farm, but few of them have caught my attention, or have quickly made me retreat with their rude comments and threats towards my Master.

I have little interest in attempting to befriend a person who thinks the town should kidnap Master from his Tower in the night and burn him at the stake in the centre of town. Not that any of them would get passed Master’s spells on the door and the windows.

Villager Observation 4 - Jackson Hill

I came across an Inn, not far outside of town recently. It is called the Hog and Heifer. I didn’t know it was there before. It seems popular amongst the townspeople. Master says it the only Inn in the area; the next closest Inn is a place called The Mad Warrior’s Rest, about a three-day journey away.

I’ve found it’s a good place to observe the townspeople - most of them anyway. A number of them are the types I don’t want to interact with - suspicious, distrustful, judgemental. One of the people who is there frequently - I have come to discover he works there - is a man named Jackson Hill.

Jackson Hill is not the friendliest of people. He is a big guy - very muscular. His attitude is surly, irritable. He doesn’t talk to people much, and when he does, he has very little to say, and most of the time, he just grunts. After a little while of observation, I have learned how to differentiate between his grunts.

Out of curiosity, I followed him one evening, after he’d finished working at the Inn for the day - after he’d chased out the last of the miners and farm hands who drank away most of their wages at the Inn, and the Innkeeper had insisted she could manage the rabble that remained. It appears he lives alone in a small cabin not far from the Inn, away from the town. Much like Master and myself, in the Tower on the far side, though his home is a lot more ominous looking than Master’s Tower is.

During the day, he works at the Inn, chopping wood, cleaning out the stables, and just, in general, doing the harder or messier tasks that the Innkeeper won’t do. If he minds, he doesn’t seem to say anything about it. Or perhaps he gets paid enough for the work that he doesn’t care.

During the evening, and late at night, he seems to do other things. In one of my late night wanders - when I couldn’t sleep due to nightmares - I spotted him roaming the forest with a bow and a quiver of arrows. The next morning, when I arrived at the Inn to continue my observation of the place and the people who frequented it, I noticed two deer, and a few rabbits waiting to be butchered.

I do not think that Jackson Hill is the kind of person I feel safe approaching. Everything about him just screams dangerous. I have an odd feeling that he knows I am lingering near the Inn; every now and then, while he is working outside, I notice him stop what he is doing, and look in my direction.

I know he cannot see me, hiding in the trees, but I get the oddest feeling that it doesn’t matter to him. If he had his bow, I am certain he would shoot me.

I am quite glad that Master was the one to find me wandering the woods when he did. I do not think I would fancy meeting Jackson Hill out in the forest, and now that I know he is out there, especially at night, I shall make an effort to avoid him as much as possible. I intend to set up simple detection spells out in the forest, to try and get a feel of where he hunts, but to do so, I need to get something to ensure the spells only detect him.

It would be of no use to me if a deer or a rabbit set off the spells, after all.