Journal Entry 24
I have continued to hang around the Hog and Heifer for a while. Despite my discomfort about Jackson Hill, I have found it is a quiet place during the day, and not one that my Master seems to venture close to. I assume that has to do with the fact that it sells alcohol, and while my Master does occasionally drink, nothing I have seen the locals drinking is anything like what he prefers.
The Inn sells stuff like mead and ale, some of it brewed by the Innkeeper - or perhaps, Jackson Hill - and some of it bought from the Merchant Caravans. My Master prefers wine, from Starfall City.
The Inn is pretty quiet during the day, with only a few people generally in or around it. Most of the guests are travellers, spending a few days resting at the Inn before they move on. The majority of them, I have learned, are heading to the Arena. I have never been to the Arena before, but I do not think I want to; the rumours I have heard about the place make me hesitant to go near it.
The Arena, I have been told, is a huge monstrosity made of stone, about a week’s journey - on horseback - from town. It is beyond the forests I called home, on the Plains of Delair. It is surrounded on all sides by a makeshift town of tents and wooden shelters. The people there aren’t the best people to be around; most are warriors, mercenaries, or soldiers, and everyone is bloodthirsty, whether they’re there to spectate or fight. Even the merchants who peddle their wares there aren’t to be trusted.
But every traveller I see in the Inn speaks of it with reverence and pride. There is gold to be made at the Arena, and glory to be earned if one has the strength to survive. Many of these travellers, I do not expect I’ll see again; anyone can enter the Arena, but not everyone leaves it.
I am not uncomfortable in the Inn, I have realised. At least, not during the day. The people there are ones I likely won’t see again, and very few pay me any mind when I wander in, so I don’t feel like I’m in any danger. I always leave in the afternoon, though. Before the townspeople can start arriving. That’s when I do start feeling in danger.
Villager Observation 5 - Serah Gordon
I do not think Serah Gordon, the Innkeeper, much likes people talking about the Arena when she’s in earshot. She shoots most people glares when they speak of it around her. Travellers will get shushed by townsfolk if she is in earshot. One person got thrown out by Jackson Hill because they refused to stop.
I do not know the exact details, but I get the feelings that Serah lost someone important to her in the Arena. I have been hesitant to ask, in case I get thrown out as well.
There are five people working at the Inn in total; Serah Gordon, Jackson Hill, Melissa Fairwood, Raven Fairwood, and Alexia Moore. Melissa and Raven only work during the day, cleaning the rooms and the common room while it’s quiet. It is understandable; neither of them are adults yet, and from what I have seen - though fortunately, not experienced - the evening patrons - especially the travellers - can get quite drunk, and a little grabby.
They leave as soon as Alexia comes in, which is shortly before the miners finish their work for the day. Alexia is a little older and works the evening with Serah. Both of them are a little more tolerant of drunk patrons, and a little more skilled at avoiding hands that try to grab what they shouldn’t be.
I have listened to people talking during the day, and have a learned a little about Serah Gordon.
Though Serah is the only member of her family who lives in the town and runs the Inn, there used to be more of them living there, and she is not the only Gordon around. The Inn has been around since the town started growing, though it did not originally belong to her family; it only came into her family when her great-grandfather bought it from the owner because he had no one to leave it to.
Serah has a husband, a son, and a daughter, though none of them live nearby, and very rarely visit. From what I understand, her daughter lives in Starfall City, though whether she uses magic is unclear. Her son is married to the daughter of the family who owns the Mad Warrior’s Rest Inn, on the way to the Arena, and he lives and works there with his In-laws. Where her husband is is also not clear, but from what I understand, he is alive.
I am not sure how I feel about approaching Serah Gordon properly. Though her daughter lives in Starfall City, the City of Magic, it is unclear whether she likes or tolerates magic-users, or dislikes them. I will have to see what else I can learn, both in the Inn and away from it, before I can make a decision.
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