Journal Entry 33
While I was wandering about today, I discovered a small house, not far from Master’s Tower. It is just outside of town. I do not think anyone lives in it; it is a very small house, only one room. It has a fireplace and a chimney at one end.
The whole thing is in a state of disrepair. The shutters over the windows are broken, and the door is hanging off its hinges and doesn’t close properly. The walls are filthy, covered in dust, dirt, and moss, and the floorboards are broken. I am almost afraid to look up the chimney; I can hear things moving about up there. The entire building is surrounded by the overgrown remains of what was likely once a garden, now crowded with weeds.
Despite the overall appearance of the place, I get an odd feeling when I’m standing in the small house. I feel...comfortable... inside the little place. Comfortable in a way that I never felt when I was still living in my hometown, with my parents. Comfortable in a way that I don’t feel when I’m inside my Master’s Tower.
I wonder if this is what it is like to feel “at home”.
Master left me a decent amount of gold, to use at my discretion. Perhaps a visit to the town’s carpenter is in order.
Villager Observation 8 - Melissa and Raven Fairwood.
I have been able to observe the Fairwood sisters quite easily, and contrary to my usual methods, I have actually spoken to the two at length.
As their last name implies, they are the children of the Fairwood family, who co-owns the Fairwood Mine. Despite this, the two work at the Hog and Heifer during the day, and they seem quite content to be doing so. Their home is close to their family’s mine, outside of town, and I was surprised to learn that Jackson Hill actually walks to two home after they’ve finished for the day at the Hog and Heifer. I didn’t notice him doing that.
Apparently, their home isn’t as big or grandiose as you’d expect for a family who once owned the Fairwood Mine, and still partially owns it. I haven’t seen it yet, as it is up a different road to the Fairwood Mine itself, and I had no reason to be going up there, but they claim it is about the same size as most of the houses in the town itself - maybe a little bigger, according to Melissa.
The sisters themselves are not twins, though I originally thought they were. Melissa is the older of the two, being seventeen, while Raven is the younger, at sixteen. There is also a third child in the family, a little brother named Ben, who is fourteen. I have not seen him around town, but I have been told that is because he is currently visiting their grandparents, in Fernsworth.
The two sisters each have their own goals for their futures, though it does not follow what their parents want them to do, which is why they’re both working at the Hog and Heifer. To earn the money they need to follow their own paths. Both have passed on inheriting their family’s ownership of the Fairwood Mine, leaving it to their younger brother.
Melissa is saving up to move to Fernsworth herself, though she has not been clear on why. She seems to like working well enough, and she’s very nice. I can’t see her moving there to marry someone with money so she can settle down for the rest of her life, but perhaps I am wrong about what I see. Only time will tell.
Raven, on the other hand, interests me a little. Sometimes, I see her around Master’s Tower, trying to get inside. It makes it hard for me to get in or out when she’s wandering around the Tower, trying to open the door and windows, or attempting to scale the walls. I admire her determination, though I worry about her purpose. I am almost tempted to tell her about my secret, but I always hesitate.
I do not know if she can use magic, and seeks to learn from someone like Master, or if she has no magic, but hopes it might awaken in her. For all I know, she could be looking for a way in so she can vandalise my Master’s work. Despite all I’ve talked to her, I still feel as though I don’t really know her.
There is something about her eyes, though. Something about the way she stares at me so intently. I feel as though she might already know about me, though I have made efforts to not let anyone see me entering or leaving my Master’s Tower.
I feel as though a visit to the Fairwood Family home might be necessary in the future, as well as a private chat with Melissa, regarding her younger sister. She might be able to shed some light on Raven’s actions to me.
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